Safeguarding Officer
Mrs Deirdre Booth 01273 812516
The Old Cottage, Lewes Road, Ringmer BN8 5ET
or email her at
Safeguarding Statement
As members of this PCC we are committed to the safeguarding, care and nurture of all our members. We recognise that safeguarding is everyone's responsibility.
We are committed to implementing all safeguarding policies and practice guidance issued by the House of Bishops
We will carefully select and train all those who work or volunteer in positions of trust. We will use the Disclosure and Barring Service, amongst other tools, to check the background of each person.
We will respond, without delay, to every concern made that a person for whom we are responsible may have been harmed.
We will co-operate fully with statutory agencies during any investigation concerning a member of the church community.
We will seek to ensure that anyone for whom we have pastoral responsibility who has suffered abuse is offered support that meets their needs.
We will respond appropriately to those who have committed sexual offences who wish to join our fellowship, following House of Bishop's guidance and the advice of the Safeguarding Team.
We will review this policy annually and as part of this process will ensure that all our procedures, particularly in relation to the Disclosure and Barring Service, are up to date.
An address to the congregation on Safeguarding Sunday (17th November 2024) by Rev'd David Bouskill and Mrs Deirdre Booth.
Safeguarding Policy
1. Background
2. Responsibility for reporting serious safeguarding incidents
3. Responsibility for reporting other serious incidents
4. Behaviour Code for those working on behalf of the Parish with children, young persons and adults
5. Summary whistleblowing policy
1. Background
The members of St Mary the Virgin Ringmer PCC (“the PCC”), as charity trustees, are responsible for reporting ALL Serious Incidents to the Charity Commission in a timely manner.
The Charity Commission has approved specific Church of England guidance for PCCs to use when reporting Serious Incidents to it. See:;;;
The PCC Guidance separates Serious Incidents into two types: safeguarding Serious Incidents and all other Serious Incidents. Safeguarding Serious Incidents are reported in a different way from how all other Serious Incidents are reported and so there are separate delegations for reporting safeguarding and non-safeguarding Serious Incidents. (See
If a safeguarding incident occurs within the PCC, the Safeguarding Officer must inform the Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser (DSA) and respond to and manage the incident in accordance with the relevant House of Bishops’ Safeguarding Policy and Guidance.
Where a non-safeguarding incident is identified ,the Incumbent or Safeguarding Officer should be informed immediately. The Incumbent or Safeguarding Officer is responsible for taking such immediate steps or actions as may be required to secure and protect the PCC’s property, assets and reputation, in accordance with any internal policies or procedures.
2. Responsibility for reporting serious safeguarding incidents
DELEGATION of responsibility to report SAFEGUARDING
Serious Incidents to the Charity Commission in accordance with the PCC Guidance
The following responsibilities are delegated to the PCC’s Safeguarding Officer
Responsibility for contacting the DSA, if they consider a safeguarding Serious Incident may have occurred and providing the DSA with any information required.
Responsibility for liaising with the DSA and reporting back to the Trustee Group on the management and reporting of the safeguarding Serious Incident by the DSA on behalf of the PCC, including:
if the DSA considers that the incident does NOT need to be reported to the Charity Commission, why this is the case, for agreement by the Trustee Group and then informing the DSA of such agreement;
whether the incident will be individually reported or included in the DSA’s next bulk report;
providing the full PCC (as appropriate), with a copy of any safeguarding Serious Incident report submitted to the Charity Commission by the DSA on behalf of the PCC.
2.3 The following responsibilities are delegated to the Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser:
The DSA is responsible for deciding whether a safeguarding incident is sufficiently “Serious” to be reported to the Charity Commission and, if so, whether it should be reported individually or included in the next bulk report.
The DSA is responsible for reporting back to the PCCSO on whether the incident is sufficiently “Serious” to be reported to the Charity Commission and, if so, whether the incident is to be individually reported or included in the next bulk report. If an incident does NOT need to be reported to the Charity Commission, the DSA should provide the PCCSO with an explanation of this decision, so the PCCSO can report back to the Trustee Group for agreement and confirm this agreement to the DSA.
The DSA is responsible for reporting the safeguarding Serious Incident to the Charity Commission, using its online form or bulk reporting template, on behalf of the PCC.
The DSA is responsible for sending copies of any Serious Incident reports submitted to the Charity Commission on behalf of the PCC to the National Safeguarding Team and the PCCSO.
3. Responsibility for reporting other serious incidents
DELEGATION of responsibility to report all OTHER Serious Incidents to the Charity Commission in accordance with the PCC Guidance
The following responsibilities relating to the reporting of NON-SAFEGUARDING Serious Incidents are delegated to the Incumbent or the Safeguarding Officer .
Responsibility for deciding whether, in accordance with the PCC Guidance, the incident is sufficiently Serious to require reporting to the Charity Commission.
Responsibility for informing the Trustee Group of the incident and the steps being taken to address it and whether it needs to be reported to the Charity Commission.
If a decision is taken that an incident does NOT need to be reported to the Charity Commission, the reasons for this decision should be agreed with the Trustee Group and recorded in writing by Safeguarding Officer.
Responsibility for reporting the Serious Incident using the Charity Commission’s online form.
Responsibility for providing the full PCC with a copy of any Serious Incident report submitted to the Charity Commission.
4. Behaviour Code for those working on behalf of the Parish with children, young persons and adults
4.1. Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) checks
All staff and volunteers will require a Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check.
This check will be organised and submitted through the St Mary the Virgin’s Safeguarding Officer, Mrs Deirdre Booth (tel: 01273 812516; email:
For further information:see:
4.2 Behavioural Code:
Treat all individuals with respect and dignity and ensure that their own language, tone of voice and body language are respectful.
Ensure that children, young persons and adults know who they can talk to about a personal concern.
Report and record any concerns about a child , young person or adult and /or the behaviour of another worker with their activity leader and or Parish Safeguarding officer. Sign and date the record.
Obtain written consent for any photographs /videos to be taken, shown, displayed or stored.
Always aim to work with or within sight of another adult.
5. Summary of PCC whistleblowing policy
To encourage employees, volunteers, and third parties to report suspected wrongdoing.
* To ensure that concerns are taken seriously and investigated promptly.
* To protect whistleblowers from retaliation.
* This policy applies to concerns about wrongdoing that falls within the following categories:
* Actual or suspected criminal offences
* Failure to comply with legal obligations
* Serious health and safety risks
* Damage to the environment
* Financial malpractice, impropriety, or fraud
* Professional malpractice
* Deliberate suppression, aiding, abetting, or concealment of any of the above
How to Report a Concern
* If you are an employee or volunteer, you can report a concern to your line manager or another appropriate church leader.
* If you are a third party, you can report a concern to the church administrator.
* When reporting a concern, you should provide as much detail as possible, including:
* The nature of the concern
* When and where the concern occurred
* Who was involved
* Any other relevant information
What Happens Next?
* Your concern will be acknowledged, recorded, and reviewed.
* If there is a cause for concern, an investigation will be conducted.
* You will be kept informed of the progress of the investigation.
* If the investigation finds that wrongdoing has occurred, appropriate action will be taken.
Protection of Whistleblowers
* Whistleblowers who raise concerns in good faith will not be subjected to retaliation.
* Retaliation includes:
* Dismissal
* Demotion
* Harassment
* Discrimination
If You Are Not Satisfied
* If you are not satisfied with the way your concern has been handled, you can contact an independent whistleblowing charity for assistance.
* The identity of whistleblowers will be protected to the extent possible.
* However, there may be circumstances where the whistleblower's identity must be revealed, such as if their evidence is needed in an investigation or court hearing.
* If the whistleblower's identity must be revealed, they will be informed of this at the earliest opportunity and given the opportunity to withdraw their disclosure.
External Disclosures
* Whistleblowers may also choose to report their concerns to an external body, such as the police or a regulatory agency.
* This policy does not preclude whistleblowers from making external disclosures.
Contact Information
* If you have any questions about this policy, you can contact:
* The church administrator
* The Safeguarding officer
* An independent whistleblowing charity